Kinovea android
Kinovea android

kinovea android

Traditionally, video motion analysis has been used in scientific circles for calculation of speeds of projectiles, or in sport for improving play of athletes. Recently, computer technology has allowed other applications of video motion analysis to surface including things like teaching fundamental laws of physics to school students, or general educational projects in sport and science. In sport, systems have been developed to provide a high level of task, performance and physiological data to coaches, teams and players.

kinovea android

The repetitive and patterned nature of sports games lends itself to video analysis in that over a period of time real patterns, trends or habits can be discerned. Police and forensic scientists analyse CCTV video when investigating criminal activity. Police use software, such as Kinesensewhich performs video motion analysis to search for key events in video and find suspects. A digital video camera is mounted on a tripod.

kinovea android

The moving object of interest is filmed doing a motion with a scale in clear view on the camera. Using video motion analysis software, the image on screen can be calibrated to the size of the scale enabling measurement of real world values. The software also takes note of the time between frames to give a movement versus time data set. This is useful in calculating gravity for instance from a dropping ball. Sophisticated sport analysis systems such as those by Verusco Technologies in New Zealand use other methods such as direct feeds from satellite television to provide real-time analysis to coaches over the Internet and more detailed post game analysis after the game has ended.

Kinovea android